derby netclient getting started

Please download the package that has a "bin" in its name.
On a graphical windows, mac, or linux desktop, you
simply click the icon of the file that you downloaded: this will open
up a window with notes on what the program is doing.  On a command
line, start it like this:

	java -jar app_derby_netclient-bin.jar

Now please follow the instructions in the application window.  If you
get an error indicating failure to connect to the database, please
download "run_derby_netserv" from the same source and adjust the
paths, IP addresses and ports to suitable values for your environment.

One more Note: For those of you who do not wish to have a window
popping up when the server runs, please find the property entry
'net.os10000.bldsys.lib_logger.Logger.window_title' and change it to
'null' (without the apostrophes).  This will direct logging to stderr.