sysmon overview

Welcome and thank you for using my software.

You need the following pre-requisite software installed:

* gmake
* gcc
* flex
* bison
* Postgres include and library files
* bzip include and library files

for actually running the system, you will need another two services:

* a relational DBMS (preferrably postgres)

given the above, first edit the "Makefile" to point the variable PGP
to the appropriate directory within a compiled Postgres distribution,
or un-comment the block of variables surrounding it. Afterwards, a
simple "make" command in the installation directory should produce the
following output files:

(free,load -- they're sensor shell scripts)
watcher, (watcher.conf)
collector, (collector.conf)
sender, (sender.conf)
receiver, (receiver.conf)
refinery, (refinery.conf)
server, (server.conf)
viewer-{1,2}, (viewer-{1,2}.conf)



Now you may test the system by running the following command:

./collector & sleep 3; ./watcher

This should use the default configuration files for the two
components. The collector will open a listener on the local port 5000
and speak the authentication protocol. The watcher will connect and
attempt to spawn two children, one for each of the sensors. The
output should come from the collector straight to stdout, where you
will get a feel for the format.

The next tricky step is sending this data across the internet.
Transfer is achieved through the use of HTTP requests. You must
configure a webserver at the receiving end to call the program
"receiver" as listed above. This will unpack each delivery and insert
it into the configured database.

Once you have the data inside your RDBMS, you can inspect it and work
on it. Using the refinery, server and viewers may be an efficient
option for you.

Importantly, all options available for configuration can be learned
from the BNF-grammar formatted file "syntax.txt". I hope the
abbreviations are intelligible.

I wish you the best of luck,

Oliver Seidel