load-freedb usage

1) download the source code:
        wget http://www.os10000.net/fs/c/load-freedb/load-freedb.c

2) compile:
        gcc -o load-freedb load-freedb.c

3) download the archives:
       wget ftp://ftp.de.freedb.org/pub/freedb/freedb-complete-20060115.tar.bz2

4) install PostgreSQL (here for Debian Linux ... run as root)
       apt-get install postgresql

5) install BZIP2 (here for Debian Linux ... run as root)
       apt-get install bzip2

6) create a postgres database and user account:
       createuser -A -D media
       createdb media

7) run the program:
       ./load-freedb freedb-complete-20060115.tar.bz2 | psql media

8) query the database:
       psql -c "select count(distinct artist) from cddb_disc_tracks;"

Good luck with this software!!!